The lab assignments for Computer Networks are done in groups of two. This means that you must do the work together with another student. There are a few exceptions to this, as listed below:
The bonus assignments can be done in groups or alone.
Resit students who are retaking the course may do the assignments alone.
Resit students may not group up with students who are taking the course for the first time.
You do not need to be in a group with the same person for the entire course. You can freely re-group with new students for each assignment.
Even though the Lab part of the course should be done in pairs, it is not recommended to split the work by splitting the assignments. Rather it is highly advisable to do so-called pair programming. That is, to work in close coordination on the same assignment, and even on the same lines of code. By discussing each line or instruction, incomplete specifications are likely discovered early, bugs may be found before they even become part of the program, and, most importantly, both partners gain a thorough understanding of the written program and the applied concepts.
Furthermore, both team members need to be able to explain all parts of the code for hand-in, so splitting the work will result in additional time needed for explaining the solution within your team or your submission possibly being rejected.
Mandatory assignments must be done in a group, but for the extra assignments, we have no requirement for you to stay in the same group across submitting different assignments. For this reason, you must re-enroll in your group for every assignment (so that you can selectively choose which assignment you want to do alone and which ones in a group).
If you have already submitted your assignment through CodeGrade without your lab partner, CodeGrade will not allow your lab partner to join the group. Contact one of the lab TAs. They will delete your CodeGrade submissions after which your lab partner will be able to join your group and you will be able to resubmit your code. Please note; however, you already handed your assignment in, it is not allowed to join a group and submit your code with the lab partner.
A personal recommendation is to work together on-site and use an extension like VS Code's Live Share to allow for concurrent modifications to the same part of the code in real time.
Last updated